If your Baby or you know a Baby that would love a Carseat Cover and/or Wipe Case for Christmas the last day to place a order is Monday Dec 3. Because I am a one-woman show and personally make your Carseat Cover and make sure it's awesome before it's sent out the door, I need 2 weeks for the magic to happen :)
However, Carseat Covers and Wipe Cases that are already made and under my FOR SALE Tab, are ready to be bought and shipped anytime. For the ALREADY MADE Covers/Cases order by Dec 17 for Christmas delivery.
To order email me at pishposhpeacock@gmail.com
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
However, Carseat Covers and Wipe Cases that are already made and under my FOR SALE Tab, are ready to be bought and shipped anytime. For the ALREADY MADE Covers/Cases order by Dec 17 for Christmas delivery.
To order email me at pishposhpeacock@gmail.com
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!